
Online Marketing Today

social media
Written by Socialh

Social media marketing is finally coming of age. After several years of trying to figure out how to use this potentially lucrative media, online marketing professional have developed an evolving set of best practices to get the most out of the most popular platforms. The key to using social media marketing effectively is to know which platforms to use and how best to use them.

Here is a short primer on some ways you can use the most common social media platforms for advertising your product or service.

social media


This platform is by far the most widely used and best-known of the social media platforms. Although the paid advertising aspect of the site hasn’t exactly found it’s legs yet, businesses are finding that it’s a great way to get existing customers to spread awareness of their products or services. Customers like the immediate feedback and opportunity to engage their favorite companies and offer their opinions and feedback.


Twitter is a more fast-paced and concise platform than any of the others. It’s great for quick sound bites, company news and announcements.


Video marketing is very effective for showcasing new products and broadening the range of a company’s focus. Creating a YouTube channel that ties relevant video with your other advertising platforms can expand your customer base and provide informative and entertaining content

Google+ for Business

Google + is a little more time intensive for linking your business and for daily social media management. The fact that businesses aren’t able to openly solicit clients was seen as a drawback. However, if you learn to work it effectively, it can work well for you. The bonus is that it’s also owned by Google and this allows for more seamless cross-platform integration and better search engine ranking.

Honorable Mention: Pinterest and Instagram are up-and-comers in the race to expand online marketing outlets.

If you want to increase the reach of your marketing efforts, spend more time on social advertising. Not only does this platform give you access to a wide marketing base, it offers a way to really engage and interact with your customers on a more personal level. This provides a greater sense of customer satisfaction and increases brand loyalty.

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SocialH Design blog is a place for Designers and Developers. We provide high quality articles and web resources in web design, social media, SEO, wordpress and blogging.

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