
Recognition for Your Brand: Promotional Products that Won’t Get Tossed in the Trash

Written by Socialh

The thought of how to best market your construction business in a way that consumers will recognize and remember your brand is always on any entrepreneur’s mind. When your business has representatives present at a convention, trade show, or at a community event, how can it engage with the audience that is found there in a manner that forms a lasting impression and connection?


Promotional products are a common go-to. They are an easy and often relatively inexpensive way to get your company’s name, website address, and/or logo in front of a large amount of people. They serve as a brand recognition tool AND can be a call to action for people who see your brand name and domain name to visit your website and see what it is you have to offer. However, not all promotional products are created equal. When choosing a promotional product to speak for your brand, focus on having it be attention-catching, useful to the consumer in some way, and creative.


Think about the last sporting event you attended. Remember how crazy people went when the t-shirt cannon made its appearance? T-shirts are a product that never goes out of style, everyone uses, and that you can really never have enough of. If they are being given out for free, people are not going to pass you by without accepting the offer. Cotton t-shirts are cheap, available in practically any color you could imagine, and provide a simple, effective way for you to get your brand out there into the world.

Ball Caps

Like t-shirts, baseball caps are practical and are an item collected by many. Handing out ball caps branded with your company logo can help ensure that on the next sunny day at the beach (or the dreaded bad hair day!), people are reaching for the useful product that happens to advertise your business. Plus, when someone wears a ball cap with your brand on it, anyone who sees them wearing it is an additional person to make a connection with your brand.

Water Bottles and Plastic Cups

Whether the product ends up holding pens on a desk or being used to drink from, branded water bottles and plastic cups given away to your audience serve their purpose in promoting brand recognition. They are something that everybody uses and will not be discarded as soon as they are received. Also, with ways available now to really make these standard items stand out among others (like options of color-changing or sparkly plastic), you have the ability to make them more fun and eye-catching.

Tech Accessories

Both at home and in the office, people today are seemingly always connected to technology. Putting your brand on a tech accessory like a USB drive guarantees that the next time its owner needs to share a file, they are making another connection with your brand. It also doesn’t hurt that USB drives are commonly passed between individuals, giving your brand an extra set of eyes to be seen and recognized by.

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SocialH Design blog is a place for Designers and Developers. We provide high quality articles and web resources in web design, social media, SEO, wordpress and blogging.

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