Most people simply throw away their old hotel key cards or used gift cards without a thought, but...
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Build a featured post section within WordPress
This tutorial will detail how to build a Featured Post section within WordPress. The featured area...
30 Beautifully Designed Green Themed Websites for Your...
Green means nature, purity, freshness. It also symbolizes growth and hope. Green is used primarily...
Films for Graphic Designers
When you think about movies for or about graphic designers, there aren’t too many. But for real...
20 Creative Print Advertisements with Cute Babies and Toddlers
It is not enough to run a print advertisement campaign and expect droves of people to purchase your...
Google analytics for your blog
Google Analytics happens to be one of most powerful and robust tools available until now for...
The perfect mini-guide to optimize your blog
It’s easily and it took five minutes to create a blog but, unfortunately it takes no more than one...
5 Reasons You Should NOT Be Using Social Media To Market Your...
If a person knows how to spell internet marketing and how to do a Google search, chances are that...
6 Premium WordPress plugins For Affiliate Marketer
Though there are many free plugins available for all sorts of things they can’t beat the premium...
Google Panda strikes again
I had recently predicted in one of my recent posts that Google Panda may strike again and I am...