Social Media

4 Innovative Ways Brands are Using Social Media to Boost their Business

social media
Written by Socialh

Social media has emerged as one of the 21stcentury’s most powerful marketing tools and many brands are harnessing the power of this medium and using it to their full advantage.

Let us have a look at the top 4 creative and innovative ways brands are using social media to boost their business and improve their online marketing campaigns:

social media

Competition factor

Everyone loves a competition and many brands have opted to engage followers and potential followers on Twitter and Facebook by creating a competition that stipulates users must like or share a page, or retweet a specific Twitter post. Essentially offering a reward for those who spread the news about a brand is a great incentive, and a quick and creative way for start-ups and big businesses to grow their following and promote their product.

Social proof

Positive public reviews and ratings are a great way to promote a brand and establish its credibility. Any business can make use of a ratings or review system and online entities such as can use this type of social media marketing to assure visitors that they offering a safe and secure quality product, as their site is backed by good reviews or ratings.

Link your pages

A company needs to have an instantly recognisable logo, colour scheme or branding that people immediately associate with the product. A brand’s Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and any other marketing pages need to reflect the face of the brand, and sites like Vine can be utilised to create teasers or product clips that tie in with the overall marketing. By linking all your pages using a common and creative theme, consumers will instantly recognise a brand and it’s likely to make a lasting impact.

Creative coupons

Social marketing coupons are an innovative way of offering discounts in a digital world. A coupon with a code or phrase that needs to be quoted or downloaded for redemption is a popular choice for many brands. More and more companies are catching on to the idea that a social media coupon can drive marketing in a new direction and be an engaging campaign across many platforms.

These 4 creative and innovative uses of social media for brand building and digital marketing will definitely help get you on track when promoting your brand online.

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SocialH Design blog is a place for Designers and Developers. We provide high quality articles and web resources in web design, social media, SEO, wordpress and blogging.

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