
WordPress SEO Plugins To Make Your wordpress Blog More SEO Friendly

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Written by Guest Author

Like any other aspiring bloggers who dreamt of making big bucks out of their blogging skills, you definitely want to make your wordpress blog more SEO friendly. Now WordPress is quite SEO friendly itself thanks to the tireless works by some dedicated developers and therefore, you would not need to muddle with the complex coding anymore. There are some easy to use plugins available. All you need to have is a list such plugins that can really help you make your wordpress blog more SEO friendly.wordpress seo

SEO Rank Reporter: Don’t you feel tired checking ranking of your wordpress blog in some keywords that draw maximum number of visitors in a month? This is a nagging task and therefore, you need to have a plugin that manage this menial and boring task. SEO Rank Reporter is the best wordpress plugin available for this task. This will track ranking of your website in certain keywords and will, send report every 3 days. And the best part, you will receive a mail whenever something unusual like sudden fall in ranking or sudden spike in the number of visitors is observed.

All in One SEO Pack: This is the smartest and the coolest ever wordpress SEO plugin that I have ever got my hands on it. Just get this wordpress plugin installed and it will automatically take care of a number of issues like generating meta tags, optimizing URL structure, customizing titles, adding noindex tags for tags and archive sections etc. In short, it will take care of everything that is related to SEO. A complete SEO solution that is what I would like to term this plugin.

SEO Ultimate: Those of you who always look for more and want to take the concept of optimization to next level, SEO Ultimate is their ultimate salvation point. This super cool wordpress SEO plugin does all the dirty jobs like setting up canonical, make changes in the robots.txt file and the best part of this wordpress SEO plugin is that, it works well with other SEO plugins, more particularly with All in One SEO Pack and that means, there is fewer chances of facing conflicts.

SEO Content Control: After panda update, almost all bloggers have got obsessed with the quality of content. Thin content or content that is not that much powerful can invite Google penalty and therefore, you need to find thin content in your wordpress blog and this can be done with this powerful wordpress plugin named as SEO Content Control. It will help you locate some crucial issues like missing meta description, missing title etc that usually have greater impacts on the ranking of a website.

SEO Friendly Image: Image optimization is probably the most overlooked part in search engine optimization. But images play a significant part in wordpress blog and therefore, you need to make sure that the images have proper names, proper alt tags and titles, otherwise, Google will not be able to find them. Do not make images look like a lost cause. You can enhance your blog’s ranking by using SEO Friendly Image, which takes care of all the aforementioned issues and that too with little fuss.

Google XML Sitemaps: Since you will be updating your website regularly, you need to make sure that your sitemap is getting updated simultaneously so that search engines can find your posts easily. This can be done by using this awesome wordpress plugin – Google XML Sitemaps.

Michael Evans loves blogging on different subjects and he is a regular writer at Webhostingdeals.org. He has written articles on the topic of Hostgator.com Review .

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