
Google analytics for your blog

Written by Guest Author

Google Analytics happens to be one of most powerful and robust tools available until now for analyzing and monitoring stuff moving about your Internet site. It gives you a very large amount of facts or knowledge about who is visiting your blog, what those people are looking for, and how they are taking your site as. Any business that wants to spread out wider on the internet should certainly be using Google Analytics. Blog analytics is one of the best ways to know the people who are watching or listening to you. Google is offering the best knowledge and facts for free through Google Analytics, this is the major reason why most of the web commanders and bloggers use and adopt Google analytics.


How Google analytics help you to grow your blog:

One of the things that I do behind the scenes after getting started with a new blog is to establish an analytic tool; which helps me keeping things in record that how many people visited my blog. It is imperative to know the number of visitors who are visiting your blogs to make best strategies to make those people to keep on visiting your blog or website. My favorites most tool for thispurpose is Google Analytics. It is free and it is amazing. Google Analytics presently recently wasenhanced and real time statistics scrutinizing has also been introduced. For using Googleanalytics, you are required to have a Google account to sign up. It is an extremely quick as well as an easy process to setup your portal in Google Analytics.

Why Google analytics is necessary for your blog:

If you are a blogger or web commander then you must know that how hard and how difficult it is to make many viewers to visit your blog/website. You write on posts everyday and you daily check your Alexi rankings to know how good you are doing. Nevertheless, if you are not using analytics then it is very probable that things will become different for you quickly. You may be checking your website performance through AWstats in your Cpanel but somehow it does not show the actual and detailed analysis of your website performance. Google Analytics is basically the best free tool available today and it has so much to offer you.

  • It exactly tells you that how many visitors are you having, and which information your viewer is looking for.
  • It also shows the most popular pages of your website
  • And the keywords people type to get to your website.

All these things make it easier for you to optimize your content. This essentially shows you that on which links of your recent visitors are actually clicking on and also useful to calculates the percentages of clicks that have been made on different segments of your site. For instance, someone is running a blog and 65% of the visitors click on the navigation area of the blog, than it will tell, you that, the front-page of your blog had 65% of clicks around the navigation area.

Therefore, Google Analytics is the best tool for analyzing and monitoring your blogs.
Susan Hannan is a University Lecturer who is researching on University Programs since last three years. You can find University Jobs from Top Universities and Colleges from all over the world.

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