Dev & Design

Win 50 MOO Christmas cards

Written by Socialh

With the holiday season approaching we’re happy to announce that we’re working with the guys at MOO in offering a giveaway to win 50 of MOO’s designer  Christmas cards for 3 of our lucky readers. If you’re not familiar with MOO,  they love to print business cards, greeting cards, Mini Cards, stickers,postcards and labels -MOO do it all!

christmas cards

A Little More About MOO

MOO was born from a love of beautiful, high-quality print and design – they make designing and printing easy.You can select one of their designer business card templates or upload your own artwork to create truly unique products.

Competition Prizes

3 x 50Christmas Cards – 3 lucky winners will a set of 50 MOO Christmas Cards.

How To Win!

To win one of the MOO prizes,all you have to do is leave a comment below and tell us, what’s your favorite thing about Christmas? Be creative, fun and most importantly unique! If you make us smile you’re in with a great chance of walking away with some great prizes.

Winners will be chosen from the comments below. Please remember to enter a valid email address so we can send you your prizes.

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About the author


SocialH Design blog is a place for Designers and Developers. We provide high quality articles and web resources in web design, social media, SEO, wordpress and blogging.


  • My favorite thing about Christmas is that the date inspire us to tell our family and friends how much we love them, how much they are important to us, mainly when they give us a gift!
    Congratulations about your blog…

  • watching how the christmas spirit unveals its self to each and every indivial,i love to watch childrens eyes,when they see the great creative power mankind has and when they descover something for the very first time and to see the child in every human no matter there age or position in life during the hoilday season,to bad its a season and not year round.
    merry christmas to you and thanks for asking to question.
    I can only pray that shift happens and the spirit becomes year round for all mankind.

  • as the song sings: “all I want for xmas is youuuu”
    for me xmas is a special time to be with the love ones
    no matter how rich or poor you are
    what really matters
    is youuu 😉

  • My VERY favorite part of xmas is buying my brothers gifts. We’re all in our mid-late 20s but I will NEVER let the tradition of buying toys die. They receive a stocking full of stupid toys such as grow-a-girlfriend, buttered toast wallets, Nicolas Cage colorform action set and Kurt Russell and BuddyChrist action figures. The more ridiculous, the better.

  • My favorite thing about Christmas is sitting with my family watching A Christmas Story and just remembering how exciting christmas was when I was a kid.

  • I love the smells of Christmas. Oranges with cloves hanging from ribbons around the house, Christmas trees, mulled wine brewing on the stove, my grandmother’s perfume hanging in the kitchen and sweet potato pies baking in the oven (trust me, they’re delicious). When I’m missing Christmas months later I bring out a dried orange to remind myself it’s not that far away.

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