User experience is essential for the success of your website or application because the purpose of any website or application is to be used in one way or another to provide or solve the need of the user, if the user does not feel positive about the experience in making use of your website or application then the chances are that he or she will not return to make use of your website or application. Specifically for attracting and retaining the user, this website design company which has the necessary workforce and minds needed to create the perfect user experience always goes the extra mile and uses all its skills in doing so. Creation of an excellent user experience depends on a lot of factors and as such the task can be demanding. Finding the right piece of information to assist you in creating a perfect user experience can be demanding too due to the abundance of resources to choose from on the internet. To help you narrow the focus on the resources, we have selected twelve essential UX design resources that will provide you with the information you need.
Smashing magazine; Founded in 2006 by Vitaly Friedman and Sven Lennartz as part of smashing media. Smashing magazine contains well insightful articles on user experience from excellent and experienced writers share their ideas, trends and their practices for success. Smashing magazine also provides excellent newsletters and a deep library to share information with you.
Usability geek; Founded in 2011 by Justin Misfud. It started with a narrow focus on usability but evolved to focus on broader topics like user experience becoming one of the top platforms for providing posts on topics regarding user experience like interfaces and optimisation.
UX magazine; is a free community platform looking into all topics related user experience design. UX magazine provides contents from professionals and leaders in user experience leaders with the aim to providing the most useful, a close to complete guideline and practical content on user experience to its readers.
Mockplus blog; is an excellent outlet for designers to learn the craft of designing. The release articles about user experience design a frequent rate. The also provide very insightful interviews of the leading UX designers on user experience design.
Awwwards; is a platform with the aim of recognising and promoting innovative web design. It contains meaningful articles on user experience and user interface. Awwwards is also a platform where designers and developers meet for healthy competition based on which work is more innovative with the aim of critiquing and finding inspiration for more works.
Mobile usability; is a book with details on creating a positive user experience. Due to the times we live in, in which having a mobile responsive website is a must, this book comes in handy as it focuses on usability and creating an efficient mobile strategy. This book provides a complete outlook on this mobile world.
A List Apart; is a blog that provides content on a scope of topics that are helpful to those interested in learning user experience design and web design as a whole in general. Greater focus is put on releasing content that contain information about best web practices.
UX Booth; is an online platform for the user experience community, where experiences of UX designers are shared and articles with content about trending topics and best practices involving user experience are disseminated and discussed about.
Observing The User Experience; This is a extremely useful book about UX for designers and developers and researchers. Observing the user experience encompasses practical information, experiences that form a guideline on how UX designers understands the needs of the users and also contains research techniques to assist the UX designer in designing better products for the user.
UX For Beginners; It is a practical book for UX designers written by Joel Marsh. It contains basic introductory comprehension to user experience and practical skills for UX designers that can be easily applied to real life projects. It is an essential resource for user experience designers because of its direction on user experience which makes it easy to learn and the necessary tools needed for success in user experience.
52 weeks of User Experience; This is a free course on user experience on the process involved in designing the final products and everything involved about the about the product for the satisfaction of the user. It entails what user experience is and the importance of it, the rules of user experience, practical skills and understanding the needs of the users.
Optimising user experience is vital for the success of your product, there is no way around it. Due to the increase in interaction between humans and devices, the influence of user experience on the success or failure of your product is going to grow. There are many resources out there but the above blogs, books and courses are chosen specifically to assist you in mastering user experience