Dev & Design

Irrelevancy Makes a Logo Design Hideous

Written by Nora Reed

There is a universal fallacy that employing ornamental and flashy ingredients will make it more eye-catching. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that a logo’s purpose is not to show beauty. It must convey the company message in an amicable manner. This is why a logo that includes irrelevant design factors can sidetrack the public from the core purpose of your brand identity.

When designers commence on a logo design project, they have to undergo a comprehensive psychoanalysis of the entire industry. In order to prevent any damage to the company’s reputation, each and every facet of the logo has to be correctly selected.

Following are some elements that are used improperly and can redirect your customer’s focus from the logo design:

Superfluous Gradient Effect:

Most people think that gradient is a very unique and pleasant effect, but overuse can also become a nuisance. Those gradients that use a fade effect are also a menace for viewers as they cause distraction.

Condensed Typography:

Another crucial thing in a logo is the spacing of your typeface. Make sure that you don’t congest the fonts and maintain the balance between the wordings. If you clutter the typography, it will cause a major concern for the viewers who see the logo. That is why you are required to choose the right fonts for your identity.

Long Slogans:

An add-on that is used with the logo is slogan or tagline. But some companies use epic slogans that drown the beauty of the logo. The best of taglines are ones that communicate a message in less, easy and effectual words. This is proven from the fact that all renowned brands use 3-4 words in their slogan. You must make sure not to use long slogans with the logo design.

Big Drop-Shadows:

Reiterating the earlier point, the function of a logo is to converse the gist of the business to the targeted audience. Now, just like the gradients, people believe that drop shadows are also good-looking all the time. But using big and chunky drop shadows can also lead to a loss of focus by looking at a logo design.

Irrespective of the fact that these elements are attractive, per say, their appropriate use is extremely essential in logo designing. So the next time you start making a logo, make sure you opt the design elements wisely.

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About the author

Nora Reed

Nora Reed runs where she writes about trends on logo designs, tips for
logo designers
, famous logos and showcases inspiring logo design collection.

1 Comment

  • Very well said ” a logo’s purpose is not to show beauty. It must convey the company message in an amicable manner. ”

    A jazzy logo is of no use if it can not convey the message of the company it is being used for.

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