
Building Your Own Computer- Still Cheaper than Buying One?

Written by Socialh

It used to be that buying a pre-built computer was more expensive than building your own. The tables seemed to have turned slightly and now there is uncertainty- is it really worth building your own? Unless your time is money and you would be far better off investing in a pre-built one, the choice is unclear. There are three basic elements to this that you should look at when considering the cost of prebuilt vs own-built; the components, time, and repairs.



The issue of components boils down to this- is buying each component separately cheaper than a whole prebuilt pc? For either purchase you will need to shop around to get the best deal, but the fiscal price is essentially the same. It also depends what you want to do with your computer, for instance a gaming computer will most likely cost less to make yourself than to buy one. There are other elements that you may need to take into consideration. For instance, shopping around for the best deal will take more time if you’re looking for several components as opposed to just one computer. If you haven’t got much experience, or are just getting to grips with what you might need, then compatibility may be an issue. You may also need spares in case this does become an issue, otherwise it might be difficult to find the source of the problem, but it does mean buying them. Upgrading can be easier if you’ve built your own, though it may not be the latest.


For some, time is precious and the quicker they get something the better. Obviously, buying a premade computer is much quicker than making your own, especially if you don’t have the know-how. However, there are a whole range of websites devoted to telling you how to make a computer, if you want to take on the challenge. It can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know why it doesn’t work properly, hence why spares are a good idea.


You’ll be able to do the repairs yourself as you should know your own-built computer, which will save you money. But, you may be stuck if you can’t fix it, again why spares are useful. If you have bought a premade one, it will come with a warranty so manufacturers can fix it for you. After the warranty ends, you’ll still be able to get it fixed but for a price.

Essentially, the price is the same. But take into consideration the time it may take to build your own, as well as the frustration that might occur when it doesn’t work first time. However, when your computer finally does work, the time and emotional trauma will be worth it. If you’re looking for spare laptop parts to build your own, visit SCH Trade website for cheap laptop parts from batteries to replacement screens at a reduced price. They also stock pre-built refurbished computers at a fraction of the normal retail price.

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